09 March 2013

Dead Space 3's Awakened DLC hits next week, launch trailer and screens here

The first story DLC pack will release on March 12th for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. 

The DLC sees Isaac and John Carver exploring the CMS Terra Nova’s tower. They will meet savage cultists who have been performing human sacrifices. Awakened is several hours long and has Necromorphs as well as human enemies in it.

Producer Shereif Fattouh from Visceral Games said that the DLC is scarier than the main game: “We had a vision for what we wanted to make with our DLC. The nice thing about it is it kind of married into what some of the more hardcore community guys were asking for. They didn’t feel that there was as much horror as they would have liked [in Dead Space 3]. It really fit well with what we were planning to do with this DLC [in] trying to create a creepy, scary atmosphere that we still think is a big part of the Dead Space franchise and has always been a part of it.”

Visceral Games producer John Calhoun explains that any work an DLCs for the game was started after the main game was completed. “Dead Space 3 is finished months before it’s actually sold, ’cause you have to go through manufacturing, certification, and all that stuff. So in that time we a have team with nothing to do. It’s definitely not the case where we take a level, and just decide we’re not going to include it in the main game. This was not even part of Dead Space 3; it was developed by a smaller set of our team that were run with a different producer, and all that stuff. You’re looking at something that was wholly created as a standalone product.”