28 April 2012

DICE about Battlefield 3 expansions, support until 2013

Developer DICE talks about the expansion and the planned support of the shooter which was released last winter.

Battlefield 3 will be expanded by three DLCs this year. In the video below, lead designer Niklas Fegraeus and DICE CEO Patrick Bach talk about the first expansion Close Quarters and about Armored Kill.

DICE also announced that it aims for “12-18 months of value” for the game. CEO Patrick Bach talks about new expansions, updates and fixes for the shooter to provide a long experience for the players. The three multiplayer expansions are Close Quarters, Armored Kill and End Game. The Back to Karkand expansion pack was already released last year.

He announced that the developer team will support Battlefield 3 until 2013. “It’s really hard for me to make bets on how the market will look at Medal of Honor vs Battlefield vs other shooters. We at DICE, we only focus on Battlefield. We make sure that if you’re a Battlefield player, there should be plenty of Battlefield for you to spend your days on. And again, we are focusing on giving you 12-18 months of value for Battlefield 3 and the expansion packs we’re releasing. So I can’t really say anything about the other tactics about releasing other games because we are DICE, we do Battlefield.”

The website vg247.com asked the developer if the timeline will be extended into two years when a new Battlefield game comes out “Right now, we haven’t had that planned out yet. Depending on what happens, we’ll change things and add to it. We’re very keen on listening to the community and we read all the forums and posts, we make sure we implement any changes that need to be implemented and of course validate through data. We have a lot of statistics going on in Battlefield, so we know exactly what’s happening”, Bach said.