Alle Killstreak Rewards im Multiplayer-Modus findet ihr hier mit dem bereits angekündigten neuen Trailer.
Hier findet ihr die Inhalte der drei Killstreak Packages im Multiplayer-Modus des Shooters. (Die Infos stammen von gameinformer.com)
Assault Strike Package
3 Kills - UAV. One of the oldest killstreaks in the series, this sweeping radar will reveal enemy locations on your HUD's minimap.
4 Kills - Care Package. A random assist item dropped from a helicopter at a location of your choosing. Just make sure you're not under a bridge when you throw the beacon.
5 Kills - Intelligent Munitions System (I.M.S.). This deadly proximity-based weapon looks like a giant land mine, but it's more sophisticated than that. Once an enemy steps within its detection radius, the I.M.S. launches an explosive at them. Great for defending flags or hiding near bottlenecks.
5 Kills - Predator Missile. Controllable death from above, which the player views as a first-person missile cam.
5 Kills - Sentry Gun. A turret that you can pick up and place in strategic locations on the battlefield.
6 Kills - Precision Airstrike. Once activated, the player chooses the location of the initial strike as well as the direction of the jets. Great for taking out clusters of enemies.
7 Kills - Attack Helicopter. An A.I.-controlled chopper that fires on enemies until its designated time runs out or it's destroyed by enemy fire.
9 Kills - Strafe Run. Five helicopters perform quick sweeps of the battlefield, taking out enemies that don't get to cover quick enough.
9 Kills - AH-6 Overwatch. A small chopper acts as your guardian angel, hovering near you and taking out anyone who means you harm.
9 Kills - Reaper. Call in several targeted missile strikes from an overhead view.
10 Kills - Assault Drone. A remote-controlled drone that can drive around the battlefield and take out enemies with its on-board weaponry. Lets you take out enemies while staying out of harm's way.
12 Kills - AC-130. The feared air support reward is back, and it once again puts you in the gunner's seat of the massive AC-130 aircraft. Sure to get your enemies running for cover.
12 Kills - Pave Low. A stronger version of the attack helicopter, featuring more powerful missiles, better armor, and flares that deflect incoming missiles.
15 Kills - Juggernaut Armor. A personal suit of Juggernaut armor that also grants the wearer a light machine gun and the Scavenger perk. Allows players to take far more damage at the expense of mobility.
17 Kills - Osprey Gunner. A combination of chopper gunner and multiple care packages, it allows you to lay down fire while delivering helpful packages to your team.
Support Strike Package
4 Kills - UAV. Identical to its Assault version, this returning reward shows enemy positions on the minimap for a limited time.
5 Kills - Counter-UAV. Scrambles enemy radar for thirty seconds, making your team's location undetectable from the sky.
5 Kills - Ballistic Vests. A pack of vests that can be placed, allowing teammates to suit up for additional defense.
5 Kills - Airdrop Trap. This makes your enemy think they're about to snag one of your care packages from under your nose, but delivers a deadly explosion instead.
8 Kills - SAM Turret. If the other team's airborne rewards are causing you trouble, you can place this to knock them out of the sky.
10 Kills - Recon Drone. A remote-controlled helicopter that briefly stuns enemies and tips off your teammates to their location.
12 Kills - Advanced UAV. A much more handy version of the standard UAV. Instead of just showing location, this also lets you know which way enemies are facing.
12 Kills - Remote Turret. A deployable sentry turret that can be aimed and fired from any location on the map.
14 Kills - Stealth Bomber. A payload of bombs is dropped from an undetectable stealth aircraft.
18 Kills - EMP. Temporarily shuts down enemy electronics, including sentry guns, red dot sights, and air support vehicles.
18 Kills - Juggernaut Recon. A heavily-armored suit is delivered from the sky, along with a riot shield and pistol.
18 Kills - Escort Airdrop. Several care packages are dropped from an Osprey, which then hovers and protects them for your team
Specialist Strike Package
Die Inhalte des Packs findet ihr hier.
Hier findet ihr noch den zweifach angeteasten Live Action-Trailer zum kommenden Spiel.
■ Jensen6