02 November 2011

Battlefield 3: "Back to Karkand" bietet mehr Zerstörung + DLCs werden Spieler an den Shooter binden trotz MW3

Der Back to Karkand-DLC wird mehr Zerstörung bringen, als im Hauptspiel. EA und DICE sind auerdem überzeugt, dass man die Spieler trotz des Releases von Modern Warfare 3 an sich binden kann.

Der "Back to Karkand"-DLC wird laut DICE einen erhöhten Grad an Zerstörung bieten. Dies sagte jetzt Patrick Söderlund von EA: "Back to Karkand wird im Vergleich zum Hauptspiel Battlefield 3 ein anderes Level an Zerstörung bieten."

"Den Spielern wird es gefallen, sie werden es als etwas Frisches wahrnehmen. Wenn sie Karkand spielen, dann werden sie die verrückte Menge an Destruction-Effekten erleben, die dort möglich ist." Im Dezember erscheint der Zusatzinhalt für alle Besitzer der Limited Edition kostenlos. Alle anderen Spieler erhalten den DLC später für ca. 15 €.

EA Executive Vice President Patrick Soderlund meint, dass die DLC-Pläne zu Battlefield 3 die Spieler an den Shooter binden wird, obwohl Modern Warfare 3 bald erscheint.

“The fact that we’re seeing a lot of new Battlefield players come into the franchise means a lot to me,” so Soderlund. “That’s been something that I’ve been trying to push on for a long time, that we wanted to go wider, become a broader, established IP, and it seems like that’s really working for us, so that’s cool.

“Given the unprecedented user volume that we’ve seen, we have obviously had some hiccups during the week, and we’ve been working very actively on solving those, and most of the issues are behind us. The game is performing a lot better. Most people had a very smooth weekend, and we continue to improve the service as we go, basically.”

“The holiday season is clearly very competitive, as we know. We all respect what Call of Duty brings and what they’re going to come with, and I think that we have an industry-leading multiplayer game that will make people want to stay with us, frankly.”, sagt er.

“If you look at all the reviews that we’ve gotten, not a single one that I’ve seen has been negative towards the multiplayer. In fact, many state that the multiplayer is the multiplayer experience to have, the best in the world. And if I can continue to harness that and work on improving that and give the consumers more of that, then hopefully they’re going to feel loyal to us and stay.”

Soderlund sagte abschließend: “My focus has got to be on our product, and not necessarily on the others. And right now we’re out in the market, and that’s all I know. When they come out, they come out, and I wish them the best of luck. They’re partners in this industry, and I play all their games and I look forward to many of them, and all I can do is try and make sure that people stay interested and want to have more Battlefield.”
