18 October 2011

Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception: Grafikunterschied zum Vorgänger nur gering + Naughty Dog über die Arbeit mit den Schauspielern

Naughty Dog sprach jetzt über die Arbeit mit den Schauspielern am Spiel und erklärte, dass sich die Grafik im Vergleich zu Uncharted 2 nur leicht verbessert hat.

Director Justin Richmond von Naughty Dog sagte jetzt, dass der Grafikunterschied zwischen dem zweiten Teil und dem kommenden Spiel nicht so groß ausfällt wie der des ersten Spiels und Uncharted 2. Es gibt zwar Verbesserungen der Grafik, jedoch nur durch Optimierungen.

Er erklärte, dass das Spiel “was an incremental update – we did change lots and lots of things – but graphically speaking, it’s not going to have the same gap compared to the past two games”.

Richmond fährt fort: “Uncharted 2 to 3 is still a jump, but its a narrower jump. And going forward, it depends on what we do. There are always ways to improve stuff, always ways we can pull out more stops… like changing optimisations, changing streaming animations, getting more polygons on screen, progressive mesh.”

“But I don’t think you’ll ever see that same jump again, at least on a PlayStation 3. There was just so much power left over in the PS3 when we made Uncharted 1, that we figured out how to use and really took it to town when developing Uncharted 2.”, so der Entwickler.

Der Entwickler sprach auch über die Arbeit mit den Schauspielern und Synchronsprechern, wie z.B. Nolan North als Nathan Drake.

“We’re lucky because we live in LA, and all the actors are very close. He’ll come in, he’ll read the scripts with us, do a table read with the other actors. It’s not just him; all the other actors are integral like this. We’ll do a table read and they’ll all give notes – ‘I think I’d do this,’ or ‘We should do it like that’. We’ll take all that stuff into consideration. When Amy [Hennig, Naughty Dog's creative director] is writing she says she always tries to hear Nolan in her head. And then even more integral than that, at the very end of the process when we’re almost done, we’ll take done gameplay segments where a designer will play a level, and then Nolan will straight-up play it as Drake. He’ll watch what’s going on and react to it. A lot of those one-liners that you hear is just him riffing.”, sagte Justin Richmond.
