29 October 2011

I Am Alive: "Old School Choices" sind das Hauptelement im Spiel

Ubisoft gab endlich neue Infos zum Spiel bekannt, das nur digital erhältlich sein wird.

I Am Alive ist laut Ubisoft ein old-school Survival-Horror-Spiel und beruht darauf, dass der Spieler schwere Entscheidungen treffen muss.

“I understand it’s hard to describe, because it’s like no other game on the market right now. I Am Alive is most like a survival horror game but not like zombies, and you have to shoot everyone around all around,” sagte Ubisoft Shanghai’s Aurelien Palasse.

“You just have to stay alive, and take care of your resources, take care of your bullets, take care of your stamina when you climb. You are not a superhero, you cannot do what you want. You don’t have a big machine gun, you cannot climb everywhere, but you’re a normal guy, and you have to stay alive on this very difficult world.”

Besonders wichtig im Download-only Spiel ist das "Intimidation System".

“You have a gun in I Am Alive but sometimes you don’t have bullets. When you find three guys in front of you who want to talk to you – you don’t know why, they want your water, whatever – you can point it at them without bullets and make an intimidation,” erklärt er.

So kann sich der Spieler die Munition für einen anderen Zweck aufheben oder zu passenden Situationen in der Spielwelt tauschen. Jedoch werden Ressourcen im Spiel nicht verschwendet, da diese für das Überleben sehr wichtig sind.

“For example, I give my only medi-kit to this guy, to save him, so I’m going to unlock an achievement or I’m going to have an extra life – but that means I can’t use it on myself. It’s the same kind of thing for the bullet. I want to unlock this door, so I have to shoot and use my bullet for this door. But afterwards, I cannot shoot someone if they want to attack me. You have to do these kinds of choices. You really have to make these decisions. It’s back to roots, old school gameplay.”

Hier findet ihr noch das Interview mit Aurelien Palasse.
