22 September 2011

Uncharted: Ursprüngliches Konzept war mehr auf ein Fantasy-Spiel als ein realistisches Action-Spiel ausgelegt

Ein ehemaliger Entwickler von Naughty Dog enthüllte jetzt, dass Uncharted 3 auch eine Fantasy-Game-Reihe hätte werden können.

Don Poole, ein ehemaliger Mitarbeiter von Uncharted-Entwickler Naughty Dog, der als Environment Modeler für das Studio arbeitete, sagte jetzt, dass Uncharted ein Fantasy-Game geworden wäre, wenn Sony nicht den Druck der Erfolge der Xbox 360-Shooter gespürt hätte.

Sony wollte, dass man das Spiel realistisch gestaltet und nicht fantasievoll. “We were talking about a more ‘realistic’ game in terms of how it was modelled and rendered but the concepts were much more far out. One was a forest world where the antagonists lived underground. It had elements of Tolkien in for sure. Sony kept pushing for a more realistic game in all respects. The market had changed a lot by then. The demographic was older and gritty shooters were really dominating. Sony wanted very much to get into that market share, it pushed all of its developers in this direction.”

Poole erklärte aber, dass nicht nur Naughty Dog an realistischeren Spielen arbeiten musste, sondern auch alle anderen Studios unter dem Publisher. “So the big push from Sony, not just at Naughty Dog but at all of Sony’s development companies at the time, was to craft games for PlayStation 3 that were much more realistic. The pressure from Xbox’s success with gritty shooters was a very real force on our direction at that time. We had a lot of internal grumbling about the realist bent. More of the old dogs were from the Crash and Jak era and preferred that more whimsical style. But alas, that was a losing battle.”
