28 September 2011

Heavy Rain: Kein zweiter Teil in Planung laut David Cage

David Cage sagte jetzt in einem Interiew: “I’m not in this business to make money”. Deswegen wird es keinen zweiten Teil des gelobten Spiels geben.

David Cage, der Chef von Entwickler Quantic Dream, sprach jetzt darüber, dass er nicht im Videospiel-Business ist um Geld zu machen. So will er keine grundlosen Sequels erstellen, sondern neue Ideen voran bringen - dies wird aber nicht mit einem zweiten Teil von Heavy Rain passieren.

Cage: “Let me be stupid for one second; I’m not in this business to make money. I wrote Heavy Rain because I was excited about it, because there was something to say. Yeah I could make Heavy Rain 2, but I’ve said what I’ve had to say about it. That’s the strength of Quantic Dream, to have the capacity to create new ideas, to make something that breaks ground. I don’t know what to say. I guess I don’t have a long-term strategy for my career. It’s certainly not to make as much money as possible though. I see myself as an author, really. I just trust my instinct. I think fans of what I do want me to do that too.”

“I’m an old game creator. I’m 42 this year. There are so many old game designers who have passion when they are young and they get a bit a bit older and the passion falls away. They get a family, and suddenly they think ‘okay I need to make as much money as I can for my family – this is what matters.’ I’ve not reached that stage yet. I still think I’m doing something important. That may sound naïve in this industry, but I still think I’m here to be creative. I just have a company because I need that structure to develop my ideas,” so Cage.
