Der Entwickler sprach in einem Interview über Schwierigkeiten in der Entwicklung und über die Enthüllung von Tali's Gesicht.
Bioware sprach jetzt über einige Schwierigkeiten im Bezug auf die Mass Effect-Reihe. “Art-wise the original Mass Effect’s levels worked really well but for gameplay they weren’t so good,” sagte Art Director Derek Watts. “We had a lot of raised platforms and areas you could get caught up in – stuff we should have fixed right from the beginning.”
Watts sagte, dass BioWare aber auf der anderen Seite auch ein gutes Gefühl hatte, weil das Spiel das erste des Studios war, das auf der aktuellen Hardware Generation basierte. “Getting used to the technology made it difficult for us, he said. “We wanted those wide open areas, those swooping curves, the grand vistas and stuff, but it was hard to do with that engine.”
Manche Aspekte des Designs von Mass Effect waren sehr schwer darzustellen, wie z.B. die Weiten des Weltalls. “Videogames look a lot better if you clutter up hallways. It usually looks more realistic. It’s hard to do with clean, plastic, white hallways with the reflective floors you see in some of the movies … That’s hard for us to do. You rely heavily on the lighting and the materials and can you get those reflective surfaces? Can you do it real time or is it all faked? Do you have to flip the level upside down and make part of it transparent? You have to end up faking it and making it as good as you can.”
Watts gab auch zu, dass man noch unschlüssig sei, ob und wie man Tali’s Gesicht enthüllen wird. “A lot of people want to have her face revealed and obviously people are going to be pissed off either way. Like ‘I thought she was going to look beautiful!’ or ‘I thought she was going to be the most hideous thing ever!’ So we’ve had a lot of debate over Tali’s face, but that’s the one we kind of dread a lot. We’re always ‘well, let’s talk about something else for a while!’ That’s something we’re going to have to decide,” sagte der Entwickler.
■ Jensen6