12 May 2013

In Watch_Dogs you can hack almost everything + new screens

Ubisofts upcoming game is about hacking, using stealth and planning events.

The game focuses on hacking -  you can “hack almost anything,” - but it is also about stealth. Protagonist Aiden Pierce will use “misdirection and surveillance” to accomplish goals using remote cameras which show enemy positions to avoid confrontation.

Players need to be careful when roaming the urban streets of Chicago so they won't be detected by authorities or other enemies. But when stealth doesn't work, combat is the other option with lethal attacks - accidents will hurt the player’s reputation.

Aiden hacks into the Central Operating System so he can use the security camera to see enemy positions, to open doors, mess with traffic lights and cause “dynamic and occasionally unpredictable events” which helps him to escape a situation. Hacking into the system will also unlock side quests. Players can also use the crime prediction data to track down people before they can hurt their targets.

Wi-Fi hotspots are used to hack devices and to gain access to a citizens’ computer or their webcam which gives the player valuable information. Click here for more information over on the PS Blog.

But it is more than just hacking because some planning is also involved which can cause dynamic and unpredictable events, according to senior producer Dominic Guay from Ubisoft:

“It’s not about the minigame that will let me open the door, it’s the fact that I’m making a plan. I’m making a plan of how I’m going to chain hacking, shooting, traveling the city and driving to achieve an objective.”