16 April 2013

Battlefield 4 is about human experience and war

Karl Magnus Troedsson from developer DICE said the upcoming shooter is all about war and “geo-politics”.

Troedsson said the new Battlefield game is more about “dramatic, human and believable” elements: “While it made sound cliché or [like] a bullet-point phrase, it’s something that the team are really living by, as opposed to trying to tell a story solely about a huge war, geo-politics, what’s going on around the world. That will be there in the background, but that’s not what this game is about.”

The shooter will also contain social elements to increase re-play value. This makes the single-player less of a “lone wolf experience” but it's “not co-op in the way that you’re still playing by yourself”. The elements will connect the player to the rest of the game and how his/her friends are progressing.