16 March 2013

Ubisoft wants to surprise players with new ideas in Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag

Ubisoft has the ideas to keep the franchise fresh although a new game will release every year.

Creative director Jean Guesdon from Ubisoft is confident that the franchise will not end in an annual fatigue because the publisher wants to keep the brand fresh. “I think we have proven that this franchise is relevant, and that it has a long way to go. Our job as developers of this new opus is to surprise players and bring fresh, different ideas, while at the same time making sure that what makes AC such a standout franchise remains intact.”

“With the scale and scope of the world we are building, the completely new setting, the new gameplay mechanics, and our new characters (both our hero and his supporting cast), we are definitely on track to get the job done and avoid fatigue altogether.”

Guesdon said that Black Flag started off as a spin-off, but the size of the idea caused a numbered Assassins Creed title. “But when it comes to that number 4… very early on in the project, when we started to realize the scope, freshness and innovation of what we had with the Piracy setting, we knew it was going to be a whole different beast of its own.”