07 March 2013

Irrational Games wanted to remove Elizabeth from Bioshock: Infinite

Developer Irrational Games had no idea what to do with Elizabeth at the start of the development. 


Irrational Games studio head Ken Levine explained that the developer team wanted to cut Elizabeth, one of the main characters, out of the game. He said that his team did not know what to do with her at first. But in the end the developer had built a character for her - which is still a big mystery because Irrational Games hasn't revealed all of her powers yet.

Levine said: “Do you know how many times people wanted to just cut her? Over and over again. Because we didn’t know what to do with her at first. I would be in reviews and ask ‘Where is Elizabeth?’ and they would say, ‘Oh, she’s in a closet,’ The same with (BioShock’s) Big Daddy. I actually had to insist that there were three Big Daddies in every level. Nobody knew how they worked or what to do with them.”