13 December 2012

The Last of Us launching with multiplayer mode, mo-cap video with Tess and Joel

The game will be launching with multiplayer which was confirmed by Naughty Dog. There's also a new motion capturing video with a new character.

Naughty Dog community strategist Arne Meyer has responded to fears that the multiplayer would detract from the campaign and that it is a tacked-on feature.

Meyer said: “We don’t approach MP in any of our games as tacked on. And we also always have separate teams working on the different components so that we can maintain full focus on making SP and MP up to our standards. We have faith that our MP will stand on it’s own. If we felt like it would be tacked on, we wouldn’t have added it. We want all our game experiences to be of the highest quality and that’s what we work extremely hard to deliver.”

“MP has never taken away resources from the SP game in any of our games, always separate teams, separate resources. The folks working on the single player campaign always have the resources and support to complete that portion of the game to the vision they planned for. The SP portion of the game hasn’t been skimped out on in any way.”, he explained.

The video below shows how actors Troy Baker and Annie Wersching acting out scenes which were in the VGA 2012 trailer.