20 November 2012

DICE is no Battlefield factory, says EA

EA Games vice-president Patrick Soderlund doesn't want DICE to be a Battlefield-only developer studio.  

Soderlund said there are 300 people working at DICE, while not all of them are working on the Battlefield series. “Not all of them are working on Battlefield things, and that’s intentional, because we don’t want to become a Battlefield factory. The minute we start saying ‘you’re going to make a Battlefield game for the rest of your life’, they’re going to go some place else. So for them to make great Battlefield games there need to be other things for them to do as well.”

“That’s why we have people who move around quite a bit. And then obviously we have a boatload of people that just want to make Battlefield because they love it. Same thing with the team in San Francisco that are making Dead Space. It’s a stunning team and they’re passionate about what they do, and they love making Dead Space. Then the answer’s ‘well, then make Dead Space’. Then we have to figure out how to sell it and make it successful.”, he said.