28 November 2012

Bioware speaks about Omega's size, new outfit pack released for Mass Effect 3

Bioware said that the Omega DLC was not planned to be as big as it is now. The Alternate Appearance Pack is available now with new outfits. Click for some screens.

Mass Effect 3: Omega DLC is the largest expansion for the game but it wasn’t planned to be four hours long or 2 GB big, said producer Fabrice Condominas from Bioware. “We had a lot of feedback asking to know more about Aria and Omega and we decided fairly early on making this a personal history of Aria and the Station. But the game at its current size was not the original goal.”

“Around the first 1/3 of the project when we first validated the writing we realized we needed to include strong moral choices throughout the game and didn’t ask ourselves how long this would end up making it.” Condominas said it was a “luxury” to have such developmental “freedom” but the team was restricted to the size limitation of 2 GB by Microsoft on Xbox 360.

BioWare has released a DLC for Mass Effect 3′s single-player. The Alternate Appearance Pack includes three new looks for “your favourite squad members including, Liara, EDI, and Garrus” and one bonus armour set for Commander Shepard. The pack costs 160 MS  on Xbox 360 and PC or $1.99 on PSN.