10 November 2012

Assassins Creed 3 sold 3,5 million times in first week, Ubisoft talks about Connor

Assassin’s Creed 3 contains a new Assassin and according to Ubisoft following Ezio is going to be a challenge.


Director Alex Hutchinson talks about the new Assassin the game who is different from the previous ones.

“[Ezio's] so iconic, he’s over-the-top, he’s funny, he’s a juicy character to dig into,” said Hutchinson. “We just wanted to create someone who could stand up against the other two Assassins. Yes, [Connor] is a little bit more strait-laced, but it’s the story of his whole life. We really hope people get a kick out of him.”

“We spent a lot of time working on this Assassin, trying to make someone who was compelling to people and seemed like a cool person to be. The fact that responses have been positive – we’ve already seen cosplaying and fan art – and people seem to really have adopted him, which was really satisfying.”

“When you haven’t shown the new guy, you’re always worried that people won’t embrace him as they did with Ezio before. Overall, just the sheer excitement we’ve generated on a game that comes out once a year has been so rewarding. It’s tough for us. If something comes out once a year, people potentially get tired of it and we work on it every day. Getting people this excited has been really rewarding.”

Ubisoft also announced that Assassin’s Creed 3 has sold 3.5 million copies during its first week on sale which includes only the sales for PS3 and Xbox 360.