08 September 2012

TV spot, Mohawk Armour concept art and monthly story DLC for Assassins Creed 3

Ubisoft revealed the DLC plans for the game along with a new videoand a concept art.

Ubisoft has released a TV commercial in the USA which you can watch below. You can also take a look at Connors Mohawk Armour.

The multiplayer part of the game will be expanded after the launch with monthly DLC. This could also mean that the game will support a DLC season pass.

Ubisoft Annecy director Damien Keiken explained the DLC plans: “The multiplayer is so big today that it’s already a game on its own. We’ve been given the right to develop the Abstergo storyline since the beginning, which is a big responsibility.”  

“As you progress in the game and level up your character, you access these files and videos. Every month you’ll have new challenges to unlock new content that will continue the storyline throughout the year.”