21 September 2012

New Mass Effect game planned, Omega DLC for Mass Effect 3 announced

Bioware talks about the possibility of a new game in the series and about a new DLC for ME3.

BioWare Edmonton and Montreal general manager Aaryn Flynn announced that there might be a new Mass Effect game which is developed by Bioware. He also revealed the latest single-player DLC for Mass Effect 3 which is “Omega” and it releases in fall 2012.  

“Casey Hudson and his team are coming off an amazing eight-year run with the Mass Effect trilogy, but they’re not done yet. We are releasing more multiplayer content and we have more single-player stories coming throughout the next six months, including Omega which is coming in the Fall.”  

“But the Mass Effect universe is vast, and Casey and our teams have plans for another full game. Where to go next? With such a project has been a question a lot of us have been asking, and we’d all love to hear your ideas.”  

“While Casey continues to oversee the development of our new Mass Effect project, he and his leads are putting together their vision for an all new game set in a fictional universe, built from the bottom-up with all new gaming technology.”  

“As the GM for Edmonton and Montreal, I know that creative people are delivering new content and gameplay for established franchises, and new games that go in new directions.”  

“Ray and Greg built BioWare to last. They’ve always known their retirement would come one day, so they developed a team of people who would ensure their standards and culture would endure. We’ll humbly carry that torch and continue learning in the process.”

Here's what the Omega DLC pack is all about. Read the plot summary:

"Aria tells you that Omega is now under a blockade from Cerberus. Since a direct attack didn’t work, Cerberus is now trying to starve Omega into submission by blockading supply ships coming in through the regular Omega relay. The level’s appearance will change to reflect this – the Afterlife has gone quiet, the music is off, the flashing lights are gone, maybe a soup kitchen has taken over the dance floor. Aria requests that you steal into the blockade and board the command ship. Take down the blockade so Omega can be resupplied. As punishment for breaking the neutrality pact, Cerberus launches an attack against Omega. The enemy is attempting to destroy Omega’s shields, which will allow asteroids and meteors to smash into the station. You must repel the assault and ensure the shield remain operational. The ‘Omega’ title does indeed refer to Omega Station, the floating space station from Mass Effect 2. Queen bee Aria has lost control of the station to Cerberus and calls on Shepard – we’re guessing rather rudely – for help in taking it back. Mass Effect 2 DLC character Zaeed Massani is alluded to being an enemy at some point too."