23 August 2012

DICE talks about the upcoming DLC Armored Kill for Battlefield 3

Watch these two videos from vg247.com which focus on Armored Kill.

Enjoy the first video of executive producer Patrick Bach talking about the new DLC Armored Kill which releases in September 2012 for Battlefield 3. In the second video Bach explains that Battlefield 3 is not being abandoned while Battlefield 4 is in development.  Here are two other interviews with Bach: Battlefield 4: ‘People shouldn’t be worried about Battlefield 3 support’ – DICE  and ‘Battlefield 3 support after DLC ends depends on fans’ – DICE.

Battlefield 3 Premium members will receive the DLC on September 4  on PS3 and  on September 11 for Xbox 360 and PC. The DLC releases for all BF3 player on September 18 on PS3 and September 25 for Xbox 350 and PC.
