20 June 2012

Leon shown in two Resident Evil 6 gameplay videos

Enjoy these two trailers of the upcoming game with Leon Kennedy, one of the game's main protagonists. Capcom also announced that the game will be twice as long as the previous entry.

Capcom’s next survival horror game might be twice as long as Resident Evil 5, according to a developer of the sixth entry.

“If you play all three storylines all the way through, you’ll see everything you can see from every side in terms of story,” said Yoshiaki Hirabayashi, the producer of the game. “It’s quite a lot of volume: we estimate that each one of these storylines is probably around 70% to 80% of the volume of the whole game in Resident Evil 5. So with three separate storylines, there’s plenty to play here.”

Capcom showed off a demo at the E3 2012 but Hirabayashi said that the demo doesn't depict the final experience of the game. “We’ve set it so people don’t keep dying in the middle of the demo, so it has plenty of guns and plenty of ammo. That’s not how it’s going to be when you come across the Ustanak in the final game – you’ll still have Resident Evil-style situations where you have a shotgun with only two shells in it and you have to make sure you make it counts.” 

“Those elements will come into play in the real flow of the game when you get to this point, and we think that’s what survival horror is all about. ‘Can I live through this situation with the resources I have at hand?’ You should feel like that, like you’re playing a Resident Evil game.” The gameplay demo was only shown to introduce the new co-operative play system.

Gameplay Part 1

Gameplay Part 2
