16 May 2012

Screens for The Last of Us, Naughty Dog comments on Ellie

Naughty Dog released new screenshots and commented on one of the main characters who was changed during development. 


Naughty Dog announced that one of the main characters, Ellie, had beend changed during the development as seen in the latest trailer. The developer wanted a character that fitted more to the story. In the beginning Ellie had a strong resemblance to Inception actress Ellen Page.

Creative director Neil Druckmann explained that Naughty Dog changed Ellie to show a “younger teen” that connected with the plot and with the personality of the actress Ashley Johnson who plays Ellie.

“When we came up with the character of Ellie we put a lot of thought into what we wanted her to look like, researching the facial proportions, coloring and bone structures of dozens of faces and bodies. In addition to this, we held numerous casting sessions to ensure we had the right performance capture artist to represent Ellie, eventually selecting actress Ashley Johnson,” said Druckmann.

 “As we’re still in the midst of development with The Last of Us, the team has been continuing to put a lot of thought into the creation of Ellie. After delving further into the game’s narrative over the past few months, we decided to modify Ellie’s model to better reflect Ashley’s personality, and also resemble a slightly younger teen more fitting to the story. We’re happy with the final result shown in the cinematic we have released today, and hope the fans like her too.”

Naughty Dog will be sghowing the new game at the E3 in June, according to game director Bruce Straley. “Our team has been working hard to have something ready at E3 that will please our fans. We’d love to say more, but we don’t want to spoil anything.” 
