08 March 2012

Assassins Creed III: Coop-Modus für vier Spieler? + Ubisoft über das Wald-Setting

Es gibt Gerüchte zu einem Coop-Modus und Ubisoft sprach erstmals über das neue Wald-Setting.

Angeblich kommt Assassin’s Creed III mit einem Coop-Modus für vier Spieler, dies wäre der erste Coop-Modus in der Serie. Ubisoft wird zudem auch noch bekannt geben müssen, wie der Multiplayer-Modus des Spiels aussehen wird. Im Mehrspieler-Modus werden acht Spieler gegeneinander spielen können, wie Gerüchte auf Xbox.com besagen. Wie die einzelnen Modi aussehen ist noch nicht bekannt.

Mit Assassin’s Creed III wird der Fokus mehr auf ein Wald-Setting gelegt, die Großstadt wie in den Vorgängern ist also für Ubisoft Montreal diesmal nicht so wichtig.

“We wanted to offer something that’s really fresh. We wanted to get outside the cities,” sagte Creative Director Alex Hutchinson. “Early on we thought okay, if we’re gonna provide not just a new context and a new hero, but a whole new playground, a whole new area to explore, than what better than the American north east?”

“In the period in which our game is set, the American Revolution, it’s like this half untouched wilderness where weather and winter is terrifying, where tress and forests are still ancient. There are populations who live out in the woods that haven’t seen western civilisation necessarily. We have all these great features to play with and I think that big chunk on its own is going to feel really fresh.”

“I always thought it was funny that the one thing you couldn’t climb in AC was the one thing I have climbed in real life, which is a tree. There’re plenty of games with forests but the forests are just collections of assets, they’re just trees and you walk around them. The fact that it’s a tree doesn’t matter. It could be a lampost, it could be a box, it could be anything. Whereas if we can make trees and the wilderness as much a playground as Altaïr and Ezio made cities, then I think it’s huge.”

“The brand is healthy; there’s a big audience that cares about it,” the developer said. “We didn’t want to tear it down. We’re not in one of those franchise situations where you need to reset, hit the reset and go back to the core.”
