10 January 2012

Mass Effect 3: Bioware kündigt Story- und Multiplayer-DLCs an

Der Entwickler kündigte an, dass es für das Spiel Singleplayer- wie auch Multiplayer-DLCs geben wird.

Series Boss Casey Hudson von Bioware sagte nun, was es mit den DLCs des kommenden Spiels auf sich hat.

“There’s some multiplayer stuff, but we’re also planning some DLC on the single-player side, because it did really good in Mass Effect 2,” so Hudson. “There’s a reason why we can add stories to what’s there.”

“The adventure-type DLC will happen in the time frame of Mass Effect 3, within your Mass Effect 3 storyline. It’s similar to how with Mass Effect 2, if you had a saved game from anywhere inside the game, you could go on to the DLC. We have a pretty neat concept for how it’s going to work.”, so der Entwickler.

Mass Effect 3 erscheint am 9.03.2012 für die Konsolen und den PC.
