08 December 2011

Bioshock Infinite: Ken Levine über die Merkmale der Bioshock-Reihe

Der Entwickler von Irrational Games erklärte, welche Features Bioshock-Spiele ausmachen.

Ken Levine von Irrational Games wurde in einem Interview gefragt, was die Bioshock-Spiele ausmachen.

“A very improvisational way of doing combat. You have weapons in one hand, powers in the other hand and character growth in your body,” so Levine. “There’s a lot of improvisational elements in the world as well. Having a very detailed, rich environment that are both fantastical but also very grounded in reality.”

Levine sagte auch, dass BioShock: Infinite ein guter Nachfolger von Bioshock 1 war, wenn das Spiel diese beiden genannten Features hätte. “The first thing we said was what if we go to a different time period? The turn of the century was very attractive to us,” so der Entwickler von Irrational Games. “Here are some of the things that were introduced: Airplanes, Electricity, Phonogram records, movies, cars – the list goes on and on. All these transformative technologies. If you asked someone back then might we be living in the sky in 10 years? They’d have gone ‘Well, maybe. That sounds reasonable.’”
