Spieler kritisierten jetzt das Zielen mit Waffen im Singleplayer-Modus. Der Entwickler nimmt nun Stellung zu dem Problem. Zudem gibt es neue Looks für den Multiplayer-Modus.
Viele Spieler haben jetzt kritistiert, wie man mit "L1" auf dem PS3-Controller im Singleplayer-Modus bei Schießereien zielt. So gibt es laut den Spielern “perfectly-horizontal and perfectly-vertical aiming”, sowie “auto-aiming”. Dies macht es laut den Spielern sehr schwer dem Gegner einen Headshot zu verpassen.
Jetzt hat Entwickler Naughty Dog auf die Kritik reagiert. Arne Meyer vom Entwickler meinte jetzt, dass die wWaffen anders funktionieren als noch in Uncharted 2. “Keep that in mind, as it affects your perception of gun combat as a whole since it’s very easy to want to compare the two sets of mechanics between the two games.”
Er fährt fort: “In Uncharted 2 the bullets would leave the barrel at a pre-set deviation when you were aimed in. What this means is that the bullets would not fire straight out of the barrel all the time – they could come out at an angle. Therefore, you could have a target clearly in the reticule and still miss it by a wide margin. This was frustrating, because it was difficult to tell why you were missing a target.”
“As a result, we wanted to be sure you had a better grasp of whether you were hitting or missing a target. In Uncharted 3 the bullets now fire straight out of the barrel 100 percent of the time. However, we have recoil – where the reticule moves/bounces as you fire. Therefore, it is easier to tell if you are missing or hitting a target. Now it is much more obvious when you are hitting or missing based on the reticule itself.”
Meyer erklärte weiter, dass das Zielen im Spiel aber im Vergleich zum Vorgänger gleich geblieben ist. “With Uncharted 2 it was pretty much guaranteed you would aim in one of the eight directions and it was hard to deviate from that (imagine it being almost like a traditional eight-way arcade stick),” he said. “With Uncharted 3, you can deviate from the straight path from each of the eight directions much easier and more precisely.”
“Perhaps one of the more significant changes revolves around the accuracy to the AK rifles. In Uncharted 2, you could fire the AK across the map with extreme accuracy, and thus players would tend to stick with the AK all the time. In Uncharted 3, we changed the AK to be used at closer ranges to encourage players to use other guns rather than just keeping the AK the entire game.”
“Fact is, the AK in Uncharted 3 isn’t great at long range intentionally. The GMAL or the M9 are much better choices for long range combat. Don’t forget that the AK also works much better and with better accuracy if you burst fire it rather than just holding the trigger down”, so der Entwickler.
Ab jetzt sind außerdem drei Classic Skin Packs mit insgesamt 25 neuen Character Looks von Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune und von Uncharted 2: Among Thieves für den Multiplayer-Modus des dritten Teils verfügbar. Jedes Pack kostet €2.99/2.39 im PSN.
■ Jensen6