17 November 2011

Mass Effect: Bioware will seit dem ersten Spiel einen Multiplayer-Modus integrieren

Bioware wollte angeblich schon seit Mass Effect 1 einen MP-Part hinzufügen.

Creative Director Casey Hudson von Bioware gab bekannt, dass man seit dem ersten Spiel der Reihe einen Coop-Modus, bzw. einen Multiplayer-Modus integrieren wollte.

Hudson sagte “it was always a fun, intriguing idea to partake in the Mass Effect universe with friends based around co-op”. Die Idee tauchte dann wieder mit Mass Effect 2 auf, wo “you could perhaps take control of one of the other characters for a while”, laut Hudson. Der Grund, warum man bisher keinen Multiplayer-Modus eingebaut hat, ist, dass man sich viele Gedanken über die Erzählweise und über die Geschichte machte.

“The difference really was that, with ME3, we adopted a fundamentally different approach to what the thing is about, which is that there is a whole intergalactic war going on, which wasn’t the case in the previous entries,” said Hudson.

“So Shepard is still the hero, making the big decisions, deciding what’s going to happen with the universe and building alliances, but now there’s armies all over the place, fighting to just hang onto different locations. That provided us with a different idea; now in multiplayer you can play as that crew of special forces, journeying around and helping Shepard with the war effort.”
