16 November 2011

Mass Effect 3: Story wird vielleicht aufgrund von Feedback nach dem Script-Leak verändert

Bioware sagte nun, dass man möglicherweise die Story des Spiels verändern wird, wenn man auf das Feedback der Fans nach dem Leak des Scripts eingeht.

Bioware denkt darüber nach die Geschichte von Mass Effect 3 zu verändern, nachdem Script-Details geleakt wurden, die nun ein Feedback von Fans auslösten. Co-Founder Ray Muzyka sagt über den Leak:

“It was disappointing for them, yeah,” sagte er über das Mass Effect 3-Team. “They’re moving on. They’re making a great game. The script, frankly, has changed a little bit from what was released, too. But yeah, it’s tough when you see your work displayed. You realise only a small number of people are probably going to look at those spoilers in advance.”

“It is hard on a team when they see their work revealed in an early form like that. But they’re going to get through it because they’re a strong group. They really care about delivering a great game to the fans. They’re committed to making this the best Mass Effect.”

Bioware sagte aber auch, dass es sich bei dem Leak der Script-Details nicht um die finale Version handelt.

“We listen to our fans all of the time. We listen to them on the forums, their feedback from stories. We’re reading it all. If we can get ideas out of it that will make the game better, sure. We’re not adverse to taking feedback,” erklärte BioWare Co-Founder Ray Muzyka.

“It’s been edited. They’re always tuning it. They’re always making it better. It was a pre-release demo. The script was certainly not intended to be released in that form and that early. You edit it continually. It’s a living process to build a game. It’s hard to see something like that having a positive benefit, but if it gets more people to check out Mass Effect 3 that would be a positive benefit, and I think they should, because I think it’s a great game.”

Muzyka forderte die Fans dazu auf, Spoilern aus dem Weg zu gehen und die Geschichte von Mass Effect 3 nicht aufgrund der geleakten Infos zu beurteilen.

“It’s also a living experience to play through it. You’re seeing the graphics, you’re seeing the choices, you’re seeing the characters. Words alone on a page, they’re not delivered in voice over, they’re not delivered in the interface, they’re not delivered as your character, with your choices up to that point imbuing them with meaning and purpose and identity, the emotion part of it.”

“What I would suggest to the fans is, we’re going to make sure we deliver an awesome experience as we have in prior Mass Effect games. Don’t spoil the story. The fun of the story is uncovering things and exploring and finding new points to adventure in. I hope they don’t lose that joy of discovery”, sagte er.
