08 November 2011

Mass Effect 3: Multiplayer-Charaktere sind nicht Teil der Singleplayer-Kampagne

Die Charaktere des Coop-Parts von Mass Effect 3 haben nichts mit der Singleplayer-Story zu tun, meinte Bioware.

Die Charaktere, die man im Multiplayer-Part des Shooters spielt, sind laut Bioware nicht teil der Singleplayer-Kampagne. “They will never be involved in the actual campaign of the main story,” sagte Producer Jesse Houston. “It’s more like a side mission to the single-player. We don’t want to create situations where multiplayer players have something that single-player players couldn’t otherwise see.”

Dennoch werden die Coop-Mission eine Geschichte erzählen. “At a high level, Shepard is marshalling the troops on behalf of the Earth Alliance so you are technically fighting for the Earth Alliance,” so Houston. “From a story perspective, a lot of these groups have come together as a loose fighting force to stop the reapers therefore they don’t fly the same type of banners that would have existed in pre- reaper invasion days.”
