09 November 2011

Mass Effect 3: Mehr Infos zum Coop-Modus des kommenden Bioware-Spiels

Bioware gab nun neue Informationen zum Multiplayer-Part des Action-Rollenspiel bekannt.

Jesse Houston, der Producer des Spiels bei Bioware, gab auf Bioware Blog mehr Infos zum Coop-Multiplayer-Modus bekannt. Das wird der MP-Part des Spiels enthalten: (Infos stammen von gameinformer.com und vg247.com)

• There are co-op leaderboards and achievements
• Multiplayer races include: Krogan, Asari, Drell, and more
• Multiplayer will integrate with the BioWare Social Network
• Multiplayer has its own characters not in the single-player campaign (other characters coming as DLC)
• No Kinect support.
• There will be character DLC for co-op, as well as races shipping from day one that “you may not expect” to play as.
• Features characters not involved in the main campaign, but co-op has its own story: “At a high level, Shepard is marshaling the troops on behalf of the Earth Alliance so you are technically fighting for the Earth Alliance. From a story perspective, a lot of these groups have come together as a loose fighting force to stop the reapers therefore they don’t fly the same type of banners that would have existed in pre- reaper invasion days.”
• Sunset plan in place for when the servers eventually go offline: “We won’t be taking the servers down until we realize that there aren’t enough players playing to warrant keeping them up and when we do take them down, we will make sure there are options so the players who are playing don’t feel abandoned… I wouldn’t be too worried about us taking down the servers anytime soon.”
