09 November 2011

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: Sledgehammer über das Co-Development mit Infinity Ward

Sledgehammer Games sprach nun über das gemeinsame Entwickeln des Shooters.

Sledgehammer Games äußerte sich jetzt zum Co-Development von Modern Warfare 3 mit Infinity Ward und gab zudem, dass man unter sehr großen Druck stand.

“I’d be dishonest if I said I didn’t feel the pressure. To be working on Modern Warfare 3, with 30 million plus fans demanding nothing less than an amazing sequel to Modern Warfare 2 … yeah, we knew it was going to take everything we had to give,” erklärte COO und Co-founder Michael Condrey.

“We also knew that it was an opportunity of a lifetime. It’s like that saying – the hardest steel is forged in the hottest fire. It’s been quite a two-year journey and it certainly took a herculean team effort. There has been a lot of pressure, but most of it we put on ourselves,” fügte General Manager Glen Schofield hinzu.

Er fährt fort: “We realize there are millions of fans out there that are counting on us to deliver something that can be held up to Modern Warfare 2. There are so many people looking forward to playing Modern Warfare 3 that I’d be kidding you if I didn’t say we feel some pressure. But at Sledgehammer Games we love a challenge and live for the pressure. It makes us perform at our very best. I think those that can handle the pressure, and love what they do, always do their greatest work.”

Sledgehammer Games, Infinity Ward und Raven Software arbeiteten neben Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 nocht am Online-Service Call of Duty: Elite.
