Alle 16 Multiplayer-Maps könnt ihr euch auf neuen Screenshots ansehen. Außerdem sagten die beiden Entwickler, dass man mit dem kommenden Shooter nicht kontrovers sein will.
Auf den Bildern unten sind die 16 Maps aus dem Multiplayer-Modus des Spiels vorgestellt: Arkaden, Bakaara, Bootleg, Carbon, Dome, Downturn, Fallen, Hardhat, Interchange, Lockdown, Mission, Outpost, Resistance, Seatown, Underground und Village.
Infinity Ward und Sledgehammer Games wollen mit Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 nicht schockieren und auch nicht kontrovers herüberkommen, wie es beim Vorgänger der Fall war. Damals wurde die Flughafenmission "No Russian" kritisiert.
“What you don’t do is say, we’re just doing this to top ourselves,” sagte Bret Robbins, der Creative Director von Sledgehammer Games. “It needs to be something that’s authentic, that actually moves the plot forward. We have some moments in the game that I think are pretty shocking, that push the envelope a little bit. But like I said before, it’s not a matter of trying to be gratuitous about it, doing shocks for shock value.”
“You always want to push yourself and see if you can push the limits of the medium, and storytelling. We’ve got such a big audience for this game that we want to deliver something that’s memorable. Experiences that people are going to be talking about the next day after they played it, talking about with their friends. It’s really a matter of creating something unique.”
“We wanted to show the effect of war. What happens if a modern American city gets attacked? What would that be like, what would you see? If you were walking down the street, what would happen? Civilians are part of that, innocent people are part of it unfortunately. How do you go about blowing up the world…? You just come up with scenes and moments that would make sense within the story. So you don’t do it just for the sake of blowing everything up, just for the fun of it.”, sagte er.
■ Jensen6