08 November 2011

BioShock Infinite: Neues Video "The People Behind Booker and Elizabeth"

Das neue Video zum Spiel dreht sich diesmal um die Synchronsprecher der beiden Hauptcharaktere.

Im neuen Video geht es um Troy Baker und Courtnee Draper, die Stimmen von BioShock: Infinite’s Booker und Elizabeth.

BioShock Creator Ken Levine sprach jetzt in einem neuen Dev Diary über die Arbit der Synchronsprecher des Spiels. “I have an interesting relationship with the actors, in the sense that, ideally I’d like to hire actors and bring them in and say like, ‘okay I totally got this figured out. Here’s your piece of paper, go do X, Y and Z,’” sagte Levine. “And that’s just not the case in this game, because we’re doing something we haven’t really done before.”

“When we start sessions, I basically have a ton of writing I’ve done, and a bunch of scenes we wanna do, and sometimes these scenes are very prototypical of what we’re actually gonna end up with. I basically try to be very honest with them and say ‘look, I don’t really exactly know how we’re going to get there.’ We just sort of sit around and talk about it”, erklärte er.
