25 October 2011

Assassins Creed: Größte Stärke der Reihe ist die spielerische Freiheit laut Ubisoft

Ubisoft erklärte jetzt, was die größte Stärke der beliebten Reihe ist und gab weitere Infos zum kommenden Spiel Revelations bekannt.

Alexandre Breault von Ubisoft Montreal sagte, dass die spielerische Freiheit die größte Stärke in der Assassins Creed-Reihe ist. Das Ziel des Entwicklers neue Moves und Waffen in das Franchise zu integrieren, ist um “a bridge between navigation and combat” zu bauen.

“It’s a good challenge to add new abilities to Ezio,” sagte Breault. “In Brotherhood, Ezio was already extremely versatile and deadly. For the new move we added, we wanted to make sure that they would bring something new to the player, and that they would feel powerful. To make sure to reach that objective, we focus on new movement that would act as consolidating elements between the various system.”

“All the hookblade moves are representative of that design approach: our goal was to make a bridge between navigation and combat. In that sense, every move have been created to bring the player faster in the combat (hook and throw, zipline assassination, extended ledge kill) or to make him exit combat faster (hook and run, accelerated climbing, extended reach, ziplines…). To make sure it keeps the right balance, we focus on giving the moves a new purpose instead of just making them even more powerful.”

Mit den neuen Bomben im kommenden Spiel, eröffnet man dem Spieler viele neue Möglichkeiten im Bezug auf die Waffen und auf die ausführbaren Attacken. Demnach wurde auch die Steuerung des Spiels verändert, damit man keinen zweiten Angriff-Button einbauen musste.

“That way, the player can more easily change his play style, alternating faster between melee combat and range weapon,” said Breault. “This is a good example on how we evolved the player style for Assassin’s Creed Revelations. We know that one of the greatest strength of the series is the freedom it gives to the player. We really worked hard to make sure that the player could still play the way he wanted. Our new moves support the various approaches the player could choose.”
