Der Shooter präsentiert sich jetzt in einem neuen Multiplayer-Trailer. Dazu gibt es mehr Multiplayer-Infos.
Tango Down Multiplayer-Trailer
Mark Rubin, der Producer des Shooter, sagte jetzt, dass Infinity Ward sich mehr mit dem Gameplay des Spiels als mit der Technologie beschäftigt. Auf dem Call of Duty XP Event sagte Rubin, dass IW’s Philosophie für die Entwicklung des Spiels “isn’t about how fancy your engine is but more about pushing gameplay more than anything else and letting tech follow”.
“For instance, when it came time to design the single-player campaign for Modern Warfare 3, one of the things we wanted to do was have the game exist in cities that people were familiar with,” erklärt er. “So the previous CoDs were all over the world and they were real exotic, but they weren’t places that anyone that played the game would be at or go to.”
“In MW3, its big cities – New York, London, Germany, Paris; it’s places that people have been or live in currently. When you see the game and its story unfold in your city, that’s a big deal. And just because it’s in a big city doesn’t mean it’s not a big deal. Cities, from a technology stand-point, posed a different problem from your standard small villages in the middle of Middle-east or Russia. The landscapes have to be built out further, geometry and buildings that we never had to worry about are all of a sudden a problem, so there is a lot of tech that goes into being able to do these big cities”, so Rubin.
“We couldn’t just take MW2, and put a bunch of big buildings in it – there was a lot of tech that went into it – so that just shows you one example of how the design drove a tech feature that we didn’t have in the past. Not necessarily what’s the newest, hottest, cool shader, pixilation or sunlight; that kind of thing. We didn’t really go that path. Gameplay is the most important thing we care about and tech will support that.”
Modern Warfare 3 basiert auf der Infinity Ward Engine, die schon in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, World at War und Modern Warfare 2 genutzt wurde.
Auf dem Call of Duty XP Event in Los Angeles wurden mehr Multiplayer-Infos enthüllt. Modern Warfare 3 wird eine "Universal Player Card" beinhalten, die alle Fortschritte speichert. Bisher ist aber noch nicht klar, wie sich dies von anderen CoD-Spielen unterscheidet. Es soll In-game Extras geben, wenn man frühere Call of Duty-Spiele gespielt hat. Ist ist noch unbekannt, wie das System dies überprüfen wird. Wie der neue Prestige Shop funkioniert ist auch noch unklar.
Creative Strategist Robert Bowling von Entwickler Infinity Ward gab bekannt, dass die PC-Version von Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 über einen LAN-Modus verfügen wird. Umfangreiche Einstellmöglichkeiten ermöglichen auch kompetitives Gameplay im Multiplayer-Modus des Shooters. In Clan-Matches kann man Standardklassen erzwingen oder bestimmte Waffen oder Perks unterbinden. In Modern Warfare 2 gab es keinen LAN-Modus, während dieser aber noch Call of Duty: Modern Warfare verfügbar war.
Modern Warfare 3 wird einfacher zu Updaten sein als andere Call of Duty-Spiele, erklärte jetzt Infinity Ward. “How we’ve built the game this time as opposed to in the past is we’ve made it a lot easier on the back end to update the other aspects of the game beyond just map packs,” sagte Creative Strategist Robert Bowling.
“So now as we’re advancing content and releasing new maps on multiplayer, we can also further tweak them to also be playable in Spec Ops, and then look at how we can update the game further in other ways like new modes, weapons – whatever we wanna do. So we’ve done a lot of work on the back end that allows us to update more easily and quickly, and that’s helpful for DLC but it’s also helpful for post-launch support: listening to feedback. Maybe there’s stuff we want to rebalance. Maybe there’s stuff we wanna patch. We have a lot more control in tweaking the game now, outside of a patch, than we ever did before.”
■ Jensen6