24 May 2010

Killzone 3: Noch mehr Infos + Details! Neue Screens sind da!

Sony und Guerilla Games verraten mehr Details zum kommenden Shooter.

Sony hat das Spiel jetzt offiziell in einer Pressemitteilung angekündigt. Demnach setzt Teil 3 direkt an den Vorgänger an: Visari, der böse Helghast-Diktator, ist tot, doch der Krieg geht weiter. Die Atombombe des Gegners hat die menschliche ISA-Armee sehr geschwächt. Außerdem soll das Spiel zehnmal größere Level als in Killzone 2 enthalten, das sind beispielsweise eine riesige Wüste, die nuklear verseucht ist, ein großer Dschungel mit Außerirdischen und bombastische Eiswelten in der Antarktis. Dazu kommt sogar ein Weltraumbesuch und dass die feindlichen Helghast neue Waffen entwickelt haben, um dem Spieler mächtig eins einzuheitzen.

Hier ist die offizielle Pressemitteilung auf englisch:
Press Information
For Immediate Release

The Helghast are back. Killzone®3 announced for PlayStation®3 [PS3™]
The war is far from won. Get ready for an epic battle against the deadliest enemies on PS3

London, May 24th 2010: Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has confirmed the return of its iconic first person shooter, Killzone®, to PlayStation®3 [PS3™]. Bringing back the trademark ferocious action on a grand scale, Killzone®3 is an explosive cinematic experience more intense than ever before. Loaded with more vehicles, explosive high powered weapons and a vicious close-combat system, resume the fight against a remorseless Helghast Army of colossal proportions. This is David vs. Goliath…if Goliath had thousands of troops and a thermonuclear arsenal.

The story begins where Killzone®2 left off, with Visari, the vicious Helghast dictator, lying dead at the feet of Special Forces soldiers Sev and Rico. The battle may have been won but the war is far from over. Visari’s death has left behind a world of political scheming, infighting and outright murder. Meanwhile his parting gift, a nuclear bomb detonated in Phyruss, the Helghan Capital, has decimated the ISA invasion force. With no re-enforcements and supplies quickly running out, you must now fight against ruthless Helghast war machine alone.

An epic cinematic war experience
With levels ten times bigger than in Killzone 2, this is Helghan like you’ve never seen it before. You’ll face brutal combat in a host of environments that threaten to bury you on the deadly planet. Killzone 3 will see you trudge through toxic nuclear wastelands, get lost in a lethal alien jungle, fight in bitter arctic conditions and take the battle into space as you fight against Helghast domination – with every location featuring a distinct gameplay style for you to master.

Be at the centre of the action
Killzone 3 will be fully playable in Stereoscopic 3D, immersing you more deeply into the ferocious world and putting you at the heart of the action. But be careful. While you experience this world in incredible, High Definition, Stereoscopic 3D detail – you’ll learn to fear what’s around every single corner.

Take on an even more vicious Helghast army
The Helghast are back and they’re bigger and fiercer than you’ve ever seen them. From Jetpack troopers to enemies wielding portable weapons of mass destruction, your enemies will be tougher, scarier and equipped with a host of new toys in their quest for destruction.
Prepare for battle! Find out more at www.killzone.com.

Kurz um, es wird wieder viel zu ballern geben. Einen Releasetermin gibt es noch nicht. Hier sind die neuen Screenshots:

   Game: Killzone 3 | Genre: Shooter | System(e): PS3 | Release: -
   Hersteller: Sony Computer Entertainment | Entwickler: Guerrilla Games | USK: -

gc: Jensen6